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    ·«X»·-=> mute <=--=> inferno grafitti <=--=--=> dUBAi hAREm <=- ·«X»·

                           mIDDLE oF sEPTEMBER 96'..

                       .aNOTHEr aSCIi cOLLy cOMEs tRUe.

                             .bROUGHt tO yOu bY.

  ____      __          __      __          __          __          __
 |____|____|  \________|  \____| ,\________|  \________|  \________|  \__
 |  \________   /___   l____/ ______/________   /________   /________   /_
 |    |    |/     |   ___/|   \|      |    |/ _/  |    |/     |    l/     |
 l____l____|      |____|  l____|      |____|      |____|      |______ Sn  |
           l______|            l______|    l______|    l______|    l______|

                           mute  ·  the godfather

     __            __         __         ______  __         __         __
 ___/, l__________|  \_______|  \_______|  \___|/  l_______/  l_______/  |
 \_______   /_______   /_______   /__   l____/ |  ______/_   ______/_____|
   |   l/     |   |/ _/  | \__      |  ___/|   |  \|      |  \|      |   |
   l_____     |___|      |___|      |___|  l___|___|      |___|  Sn  |___|
       l______|   l______|   l______|              l______|   l______|

                                                     iNFERNo gRAFITTi

                         tHE aUTHOR bEHIND aLL tHIS

                              iS sTRICTLY nAMED

                    ________  ____/___     .__    ________
                  .-\__    /_-\  /   /_-\  __/___-\_____ /_
                  |   |  |  /_  /_    /_   |    /_  |_____/_
                  |   |  |   /   /mute /   l     /  l      /

                    i wELCOMe yOu aLl tO mY tENTh cOLLy..

                 iT wAs rEALESEd iN tHe nEAr eNd oF aUGUSt..

                    tHE nAMe oF tHIs cOLLECTIOn mIGHt bE..

                .----------/                         |
 ______    _____|    _____     ______    ______     -|----/ dUBAI /
_\___._)___\    |____\    |____\_____)___\_____)___  |           //----.
\_   |/   /_   _|   /_    |_  /_  _|/   /_        /_ |                 |
 |   /     /   \l    /    l/   /  \__    /    mute /-' .-/ hAREM /-----|-.
 |        /_        /_        /_   |    /_        /_   |               | |
 `---/_____/---/_____/---/_____/---l_____/---/_____/ .-|               |-'
                |                                    | `---------------'
                |                                    |
----\   ________| ___________________________________|___________________
    |  /__      |    )_______._   )__________  )__________  )______.     )__
    |   _\_    _|     __   __|/    __     _  _____     |_______    |  |   __
    |   \__    \__    /_   \___    /_     |     /_     l     /_    |  |   /_
    |           |   |                                                        |
    |           |   |                      ____                              |
    `-----------|---'     //-- kHALId!! -- \  /                        \-----'
                `--------/                  \/ -- wHo iS tHIs wOMAn! --\\

              ! ..sOME fLAP-dOODLe wRITTEN iN cONFUSION.. !

         and again it's ascii time.. and again it's time to finish
        this thing.. maan, how tired you get of ascii's when you're
        making these collections. asc² asc² asc².. bah ! well. hmm..
        why can't i just do something else ? hmm.. wish i knew that.
        hmm.. yez.. i'm on inet now.. wheey it's fun.. now i don't
        have to use a looots of money just to call some place.. well,
        it's just to bad that i have to let my friends have the modem
        too.. because it's notonly mine.. also snuffy^b·boys and two
        others owns it.. so when snuffy is on inet, you know that i
        will not be there for some weeks.. or ?? well. that's about
        it.. or what do you think.. this is becomming a little boring
        i think.. .. this collection could have been released in the
        middle of august, but the modem is quite malfunctioned at the
        moment... but anyway let's look for the next chapters..huh ?

                                               mute^inferno grafitti


                               - asc²'s included

                                - the big momento

                               - some mighty messys

                                - the credits

                               - how to reach me

                                - the end 

                                               jUST cHECK iT oUT eH ?

       .----/ aSC²'s iNCLUDEd /                                .----.
       |                     //----.        .------------------|----'
 ______|___________________________| _______| _________________|__________
 \________/_____._ /_____.  /____  |_\___   |_\_____._ /_______ /_____._ /__
  /_       _/   |/  _/   |____/    |  _/   _|  _/   |/  _/   |____/   |/  _/
   |  mute  |   |    |   l    |    l   |   \l   |   /    |   l    |   /    |
       |                                                       |
    .--|-------------/\       asc²      //----.    made4       |
----|--'            /__\---------------/     `-----------------|--------------
    `-----------------.                                        |
                      |     dISCOdUCKs           godfahter     |
                      |     nORTHERn lIGHt       fuzz          |
                      |     iNFERNo gRAFITTi     godf.&me?     |
                      |     mENu                 godf.&everyb. |
                      |     gODFATHEr            godfather     |
                      |     rEQUESTs             godf.&everyb. |
                      |     cONSOLe wAREz        godf.&everyb. |
                      |     cONFERENCEs          godf.&everyb. |
                      |     i^g aSCIi kORNAh     godfather     |
                      |     rHYTHm nATIOn        squale        |
                      |     dARk hELl            bandit        |
                      |                                        |
                      |                                        |
                      `-----------------/                      | 
                                       //--» aSC²s iNCLUDEd «--'


                        ! ..THIS IS THE MAIN PART.. !


                       tHE aSCII'S wILL sOON bE sHOWN..


                                    bLAH !

             bUt iNSTEAd yOu cOULd jUSt.. jUST... eHh... eNJOy ??

                                                        oR sOMETHINg..

                         __           _
                   ______\ dUBAi·hAREm \_
            .------\_______________     /---.
            | .---.  /_          |/    /_   |---->oRDEr aT<-------------.
            `-----'   |         _/  /___/   |              sUBcONTINENT |
                      `-----/______/-----|--' +47 57824209              |
- -- --- -----/                          |                \\ &telnet \--'
     .-----. //  dISCOdUCKs   /----------|-----------------\
     |  `--'                             |
     `-----------------m4-:  godfather <-'

    ______    ______    ______    ______    ______
   _\_____)___\     )___\  ___)___\___. )___\_____)___
   \_   )/   /_________/_______  /_   |____/_   |/   /_
----|   /     /   mute  /    )/   /   l     /   l     /----/ dISCOdUCKs /
    |        /_        /_        /_        /_        /_                //--.
___ `---/_____/---/_____/---/_____/---/_____/---/_____/-----//             |
  /                                                         /--------------|-.
 /------->               ______    _____     ______    _____.    ______      |
/|         ______       _\_____)___\    |____\___. )___\    |____\  ___)___  |
 `-//      \    /       \_   )/   /_   _|   /_   |____/_    |   /_______  /_ |
   /--------\  /---------|   /     /   \l    /   l     /    _ ____    )/   /-'
             \/          |        /_        /_        /_    /   /_        /_

                         __           _
                   ______\ dUBAi·hAREm \_
            .------\_______________     /---.
            | .---.  /_          |/    /_   |---->oRDEr aT<-------------.
            `-----'   |         _/  /___/   |              sUBcONTINENT |
                      `-----/______/-----|--' +47 57824209              |
- -- --- -----/                          |                \\ &telnet \--'
     .-----. // nORTHERn lIGHt /---------|-----------------\
     |  `--'                             |
     `-----------------m4-:    fuzz    <-'

  _____    _____    ___|_    ____    ____|     _____    _____    _____
 _\    )___\____)___\___ )___\   |___\   |_____\___ )___\___ )___\    )___
 \____._  /_  |/   /_  _  __/__  ___/__  __   /_ |_____/_  _  __/____._  /_
.-|   |/   /  l     /  |     /   l    /  |/    / l      /  |     /   |/   /
| |   /   /_       /_  |    /_       /_  |    /_       /_  |    /_   /   /_
| `--/_____/--/_____/--|_____/--/_____/--l_____/--/_____/--l_____/--/_____/
|                      |                             //---------------------.
`-------/              `-----» nORTHERn lIGHt «-----/-    phone ?       .---|-
       //-------------. _______  _________________________  __________  |   |
   .                  | \__    |_\________/_____.  /__    |_\__      /__|   |
   |                  |  /_    |   /        /   |____/    |   /   /____/|   |
   `------------------|---|    l   |  mute  |   l_   |   /_   |     |---|---'
                      `-  |________|________|________|____|___|_____|  -'

                         __           _
                   ______\ dUBAi·hAREm \_
            .------\_______________     /---.
            | .---.  /_          |/    /_   |---->oRDEr aT<-------------.
            `-----'   |         _/  /___/   |              sUBcONTINENT |
                      `-----/______/-----|--' +47 57824209              |
- -- --- -----/                          |                \\ &telnet \--'
     .-----. // inferno grafitti /-------|-----------------\
     |  `--'                             |
     `-------------------------> whey! <-'

            .-------/  iNFERNo gRAFITTi  /-------------.
      \________)_____._ )__    ____.___ )_______ )_____._ )_____._ )__
       /_       _/   |/  _/     __/  |____/   _  __/   |/  _/   |/  _/
        |   mute |   |    |      |   l    |   |    |   |    |   l    |
            |                                          |
            |                   mute     godfather     |
     \_____.  )_______ )_____._ )__   ____.___)___    )___    )____)__
      /_   |____/   _  __/  _|/   /     __/     /  /____/  /____/    /
       |   l_   |   |    |  \_    |      |      |     ||      |      |
            |                                          |
            `-------/  i^g hq  - subcontinent  /-------'

                         __           _
                   ______\ dUBAi·hAREm \_
            .------\_______________     /---.
            | .---.  /_          |/    /_   |---->oRDEr aT<-------------.
            `-----'   |         _/  /___/   |              sUBcONTINENT |
                      `-----/______/-----|--' +47 57824209              |
- -- --- -----/                          |                \\ &telnet \--'
     .-----. //   menu    /--------------|-----------------\
     |  `--'                             |
     `-----------------m4-:  godfather <-'

                //--------------»> mENU <«-----------.
    .----------/  ______    ______    ______    _____|
    |            _\     )___\____ )___\     )___\    |____
----|--.         \___      /_  |_____/_____._  /_   _|   /_
    `--|----------|  \_/    /  l      /    |/   /   \l    /-----.
       |          |   |    /_        /_    /   /_mute    /_     |
       |          `---l_____/---/_____/---/_____/---/_____/     |
    .--|---------------------------------------------|--------. |
----|--'                                             `--------|-'
    |                                                         |
    |                                                         |
    |                                    /\                   |
    |                 chose the distance ||                   | 
    |                                    \/                   | 
    `-----------------------/                                 |
                           //---------------------» mENu «----'

                         __           _
                   ______\ dUBAi·hAREm \_
            .------\_______________     /---.
            | .---.  /_          |/    /_   |---->oRDEr aT<-------------.
            `-----'   |         _/  /___/   |              sUBcONTINENT |
                      `-----/______/-----|--' +47 57824209              |
- -- --- -----/                          |                \\ &telnet \--'
     .-----. //  godfahter    /----------|-----------------\
     |  `--'                             |
     `-----------------m4-:  godfather <-'

---.                              .---» godfather «---.
___|_    _____    _____    _____ _|____    ___.    ___|    _____    _____
\__. )___\____)___\____)___\  __)\_____)___\  |____\  |____\___ )___\___ )___
_  |____/_  |/   /_  |/   /_   ____/_|/   /__ ___/__  __  /_ |_____/_  _  __/_
|  l_    /  l mute/ _/     /      | \__    /  l    /  |/   / l      /  |     /
|       /_       /_       /_      |  |    /_      /_  |   /_       /_  |    /_
   |                              |                   |----------------/
   `-------//                 .---|-inferno--grafitti-'               //------

                         __           _
                   ______\ dUBAi·hAREm \_
            .------\_______________     /---.
            | .---.  /_          |/    /_   |---->oRDEr aT<-------------.
            `-----'   |         _/  /___/   |              sUBcONTINENT |
                      `-----/______/-----|--' +47 57824209              |
- -- --- -----/                          |                \\ &telnet \--'
     .-----. //   requests    /----------|-----------------\
     |  `--'                             |
     `-----------------m4-:  godfather <-'

                           //---------.                       .--------.
       .------------------/        .--|-> r E Q U E S T s <---|---------'
   ____|_   ______   ______   _____|   ______   ______   _____|   ______
  _\____ )__\____ )__\_____)__\    |___\____ )__\  ___)__\    |___\  ___)__
  \_   _  _/_  |____/_   |/  /_   _|  /_  |____/_______ /__   __/________ /_
   |   |    /  l     /   l    /   \l   /  l     /    )/  /    l   /    )/  /
   |   |   /_       /_      _/_       /_       /_       /_mute   /_       /_
       |      ____                 |                          |---.
       `------\  /             /---|----> r E Q U E S T s <---'   |
               \/------------//    |                          //--'

                         __           _
                   ______\ dUBAi·hAREm \_
            .------\_______________     /---.
            | .---.  /_          |/    /_   |---->oRDEr aT<-------------.
            `-----'   |         _/  /___/   |              sUBcONTINENT |
                      `-----/______/-----|--' +47 57824209              |
- -- --- -----/                          |                \\ &telnet \--'
     .-----. // console warez /----------|-----------------\
     |  `--'                             |
     `-----------------m4-:  godfather <-'

       .--.                    // cONSOLe wAREz /
       |  `-------------------/                //------->         <-------.
  _____|    ______    ______    ______    ______    _____     ______    .-|-.
 _\__.  )___\_____)___\     )___\  ___)___\_____)___\    |____\____ )___`-' |
 \_  |_____/_   |/   /_____._  /_______  /_   |/   /_    |   /_  |_____/_ .-'
  |  l      /   l     /    |/   /    )/   /   l mute/    l    /  l      / |
  |        /_        /_    /   /_        /_        /_        /_        /_ |
  `---/_____/---/_____/---/_____/---/_____/---/_____/---/_____/---/_____/ |
       |                                                               .--'
       |                  ____      ______    ______    ______    _____|
       |      /----.     _\   | .___\     )___\____ )___\____ )___\___, )___
-------|----//     |     \_   |-|  /_______  /_   _  __/_  |_____/_   _____/_
       |           |      |   l l   /   \__   /   |     /  l      /   \     /
       `-----------|------|        /_    /   /_   |    /_        /_        /_
                   |      `---/_____/---/_____/---l_____/---/_____/---/_____/
                   |                                                  |
                   `------/                 /-------------------------'
                         // cONSOLe wAREz //

                         __           _
                   ______\ dUBAi·hAREm \_
            .------\_______________     /---.
            | .---.  /_          |/    /_   |---->oRDEr aT<-------------.
            `-----'   |         _/  /___/   |              sUBcONTINENT |
                      `-----/______/-----|--' +47 57824209              |
- -- --- -----/                          |                \\ &telnet \--'
     .-----. //  conferences  /----------|-----------------\
     |  `--'                             |
     `-----------------m4-:  godfather <-'

  _____    _____    _____
 _\__. )___\____)___\    )___
 \_  |____/_  |/   /____._  /_        //-------» cONFERENCEs «----/
  |  l     /  l     /   |/   /-------/                           //----.
  |       /_       /_   /   /_               .----------.              |
  `--/_____/--/_____/--/_____/  _____    ____|    _____ `->_____    ___|_
      _\  __)_\___ )___\___ )___\___ )___\    )___\_.  )___\___ )___\  __)___
--.   \_   ____/|_____/_  _  __/_ |_____/____._  /_ |_____/_ |_____/______  /_
  |    |      | l      /  |     / l      /   |/   / l      / l      /   )/   /
--|-.  |mute  |       /_  |    /_       /_   /   /_       /_       /_       /_
  | |  `--/___|--/_____/--l_____/--/_____/--/_____/--/_____/--/_____/--/_____/
  `-|-----/\                           __    `--------------------.    |
    |    /__\----/      .--------------\/------------------------.`----|--.
--|-'           //------|--.                                     |-----'  |
  |                     |                                 /\     |        |
  `---------------------|->            chose the distance ||   <-|--------'
                        |                                 \/     |
                        |                                        |
                        `---------------/                        |

                         __           _
                   ______\ dUBAi·hAREm \_
            .------\_______________     /---.
            | .---.  /_          |/    /_   |---->oRDEr aT<-------------.
            `-----'   |         _/  /___/   |              sUBcONTINENT |
                      `-----/______/-----|--' +47 57824209              |
- -- --- -----/                          |                \\ &telnet \--'
     .-----. // i^g ascii kornah /-------|-----------------\
     |  `--'                             |
     `-----------------m4-:  godfather <-'

     .-------/                       `------------------------------.
 ____|______________________________________________________        |
  _______)_____._ )__   ____.___ )_______ )_____._ )_____._ )__     |
  /_      _/   |/  _/    __/  |____/   _  __/   |/  _/   |/  _/     |
   |  mute |   |    |     |   l    |   |    |   |    |   l    |     |
   ¦_______¦___l____¦_____¦________¦___l____¦___|____¦______g R A F I T T i
     |                         |                                    |
     `-------------/           |       /----.                       |
  ______    ______    ______  _|____  ______`- iNFERNo gRAFITTi ----|-------.
 _\_____)___\  ___)___\__.  )_\_____)_\_____)___                    |       |
 \_  _|/   /_______  /_  |_____/_      /_      /_             aSCIi |kORNAh |/
  |  \__    /    )/   /  l      /  mute /       /-----------/       |       /
  |   |    /_        /_        /_      /_      /_          //-------|------/__
  `---l_____/---/_____/---/_____/-/_____/-/_____/                   `---.
                 _____     ____|_    ______    ______    ______    ____|
 oRDER fROM..   _\    |____\_____)___\____ )___\     )___\_____)___\   |_____
                \_    |   /_   |/   /_   _  __/_____._  /_  _|/   /_  _._   /_
   mUTe          |    _ _____  l     /   |     /    |/   /  \__    /   |/    /
 &     gODFATHEr |    /   /_        /_   |    /_    /   /_   |    /_   |    /_
                               |                                       |
                               `--------------/               /--------'

                         __           _
                   ______\ dUBAi·hAREm \_
            .------\_______________     /---.
            | .---.  /_          |/    /_   |---->oRDEr aT<-------------.
            `-----'   |         _/  /___/   |              sUBcONTINENT |
                      `-----/______/-----|--' +47 57824209              |
- -- --- -----/                          |                \\ &telnet \--'
     .-----. // rhythm nation /----------|-----------------\
     |  `--'                             |
     `-----------------m4-:   squale   <-'

     ____|_    ____      ______    _____     ____      ______
    _\____ )___\   |_____\     |___\    |____\   |_____\     )___
    \_   _  __/_  _._   /_     l  /__   ___/__  _._   /___      /_
-----|   |     /   |/    /_____.   /    l    /   |/    /  \_/    /--.
     |   |    /_   |    /_     |  /_        /_   |    /_   |    /_  |
     `---|_____/---l_____/   ______/---/_____/---|_____/---l_____/  |
         |            /_______(                                  <--|-.
         `---------------------- /  rHYTHM nATION  / ------.        `-|------.
 .--------------.     _____________________________________|__________|___   |
 |              |     \_____._ /_______ /__      /_____/_______ /_______ /__ |
 |             -|---.  /_   |/   /  _|/   /   /____/     /   |/   /   |/   / |
 |              |   |---|   |    |  \__   |     |  mute  |   l    |   |    |-'
 |            --'       |___l____|___l____|_____|________|________|___l____|
 `-------------------/-                                    |
                    //-----------/       .  . . ..      /--'

                         __           _
                   ______\ dUBAi·hAREm \_
            .------\_______________     /---.
            | .---.  /_          |/    /_   |---->oRDEr aT<-------------.
            `-----'   |         _/  /___/   |              sUBcONTINENT |
                      `-----/______/-----|--' +47 57824209              |
- -- --- -----/                          |                \\ &telnet \--'
     .-----. //   dark hell   /----------|-----------------\
     |  `--'                             |
     `-----------------m4-:  bandit    <-'

                       /------------->      <--/
         .-----------//                       //------.
     ____|_    ______    ______    _____              |
    _\_____)___\_____)___\____ )___\    |____       /-|--/  d A R k  /---.
    \_   )/   /_  _|/   /_   _  __/_    |   /_      | |                  |
     |   /     /  \_     /   |     /    _  ___      `-|---(  h E L l  )--|-.
 .---|        /_   |    /_   |    /_    /   /_        |                  `-|-
 |   `---/_____/---l_____/---l_____/---/_____/        |                    |
 |       |                   ____      ______    _____|    _____           |
 |       |                  _\   |_____\____ )___\    |____\    |____      |
 `----.  |              .---\_   __   /_  |_____/_    |   /_    |   /_     |
     `---|              |----|   |/    /  l      /    l    /    l    /-----.
         |              |    |   |    /_        /_mute    /_        /_
         `--------------'    `---l_____/---/_____/---/_____/---/_____/

                     wHEEEEYy !!! tHAT's aBOUt iT i tHINk..

      wELl ?  dId yOu eXPERIENCe aNy sTRANGe aNd eROTIc fEELINGs tHEn ?

                nO, hUh.. i kNEw yOu wOULDN't jUSt 'oPEn uP'..
                                                      (wheey.. leftfield !!)

   bUt aNYWAy .. iF yOu lIKEd wHAt yOu sAw.. tHEn jUSt sTARt rEQUESTIn' ..

        hAVe a lOOk aT 'how to reach' a dIAl uP aNy oF tHOSe bOARDs !

                                                 iT's qUITe eASy, yOu kNOw..

                              what would we say
                              if no one thought
                             if no one could pray

                            perhaps we just ought
                              to go our own way
                              and not get cought

                        of the stupidness we brought ?

      ______    ______    ______    ______    ______    _____|    ______
     _\     )___\     )___\  ___)___\  ___)___\     )___\    |____\____ )___
     \__       /______   /_______  /_______  /_________/_    |   ___ |_____/_
  .---|  \_/    /  _|/    /    )/   /    )/   /   mute  /   _|    /  l      /
  |   |   |    /_  \__   /_        /_        /_        /_        /_        /_
  |   `---l_____/---l_____/---/_____/---/_____/---/_____/---/_____/---/_____/
  |                                                          |
  `----|-------\   mASSIVE aTTACK  \----------protection-----'
   ____|__   _____     _____     _______   _______   ____      da greatest
  _\___._ )__\    |____\    |____\_____ )__\___.  )__\   |____
 /__  _|/  /___   ___/___   ___/__  _|/  /__   |___/__   |  _/__    tRIp
  _\  \__    /_   l    /_   l    /_ \__    /_  l     /_  .     /_       hOp
  \____|______/_________/_________/__l______/_________/__|______/        --.
     .-|---.                                                   experience! |
     `-'  `-------fEAt·--/                                                 |

            yOu mUSt hAVe hEARd sOMe, aNd yOu mUSt hAVe lIKEd iT !

                                                       nO oPTIOn .. yEz..

 and then it's time.. time for the little hello's that has no actual meaning.

   but still that's one of the parts everybody stop at.. but to see what ?

                     if they were lucky ? hmm.. perhaps..

but the chapter wich is comming up, is the...

                                  ! x×x   m E S S A G E s   x×x !

and then a little message to...

                          hmm.. jaja.. inet er litt gøy ja.  hehe.. du
                          få'kke modemet tilbake så ! næhei så.. hmm..
                          bare litt for lett å bli der for lenge egentlig..
                          men uansett så.. så er det litt gøy. hmm.. ja du
                          skal få ijen underw. cd'en ja.. og.. bli med til
                          asm da ! pleeeze.. sponser deg med en femtilapp..
                          hehehe... hjalp deg nok enormt ikke sant ? ...
                          bli rik gutt..

                     blah.. jammen.. er jeg virkelig så irriterende ? hehe..
                     jeg er litt sta, ok ? hehe.. hmm.. nå må du for faen se
                     og få utgitt noe da ! du er liksom i en ascii-gruppe,
                     da er det faktisk vanlig å lage asc's, vet du.. sånn
                     for informere, så har du laget en colly mens jeg har
                     laget ti nå.. hmm.. og seks av de under i^g... come
                     on little boy.. be active !!

              hi again.. hmm.. thnx for spreading my last colly.. what about
              this time then ? hehe.. no, hmm.. du må komme på inet snart du..
              well.. hope we'll soon chat again at tp.. hmm.. jeps..

              godfather ikke gidde lage ascii.. me make instead.. bflahrr !

                  jabba ! ? hmm.. javel ja.. fått noen henvendelser om hvor
                  man selger b-isen ? hehe. jeg skal nok leke bbl helt ned..
                  ødelegge og skape forvirring i landet ditt.. og eh.. skape
                  et vepna opprør, og styrte diktatoren.. og skape anarchy !
                  hmm.. dårlig fantasi.. hmm.. jadda.. ehh.. thx, for ul'en..

                jups.. plaget jeg deg ? hehe.. du var i hvert fall trøtt !
                gretten... hehe.. neida. gøyy at basen går bedre og bedre..
                bare flere kunne requeste på basen din.. requeste til meeeg.
                kjipt.. men... jah..

                   hei.. du har dratt du, din fjomp.. hmm.. kjipt.. javel..
                   ok.. hvis du vil så. . men.. ja.. ok.. eehh.. du fikk
                   en messy i hvert fall.. så du ikke blir fornermet. hehe..

        and a thanx to everybody that have supported me with requests

                  and to those who spread this collection..

    but not to those who who ul'ed it where i was going to ul it.. hehe..

            ok.. hmm.. that's it you know.. all the few messages..

   nothing interresting to read anyway.. and why should it ? hmm.. dunno..

                                  rESPECTs !

         i respect everybody... well. exept some few people though..

                                             but that doesn't count.. or ?

oh.. forget it..

                          yOU aRE sTILL wATCHING aT

                __________  _____. ___  _____       __________  __________
  __         ___)______  /__)__  |_  /__)__  |______)____._  /__)________/_
  \/         \__     |/   /_     l/   /_     |_  _/_   __|/   /_          /_
  /\   .----/__     _/     /     /     /     l/    /   \__     /   mute    /
     \ |                                                            | 
      \|                       .-------\ dUBAi hAREm \--------------|---.
    ___|_.      ________   ____|___   ________   ________               |
  .-\_   l_____-\___._ /__-\____. /__-\_____ /__-\____. /__             |
  |     ___   /_  __|/   /_    _  __/_   |_____/_  |  |   /_            |
--|      |/    /  \___    /    |     /   l      /  |  |    /--------|---'
  `-/____l_____/____l_____/____|_____/__________/__l__l____/        | 
                               |                                    |  
                               `--» tHe·uLTIMATe·wIFe·eXPERIENCe «--'

          jUST tO iNFORM yOU.. 'cAUSE iT'S very iMPORTANT.. bAH !...

                   bUT tHIS iS aLSO iMPORTANT, yOU kNOW...

                         _____    ____       ____
                     ____\    \___\   |______\   |_____
    .---/           _\_   ______/_    |    /_    |   _/_   \\------------.
    |  /-      ----/________     /   _| mute/    |_    /----\            |
    |               _\    )/    /_   \l    /_    l/   /_     .  a4k040   |
 .--|-sUBcONTINENT--\______    __/____    __/____    __/-----| fastlane  |-.
 |  |                   /_______|  /_______|  /_______|      |  33.6k ---' |
 `--|--+47-578-24209-----'       inferno grafitti            | some stuff  |
 ___|_    _____    _____    ____         _____    _____    __|__    ____.--'
_\    )___\____)___\    )___\   |________\    )___\___ )___\    )___\   |___
\_  |____/_  |/   /______  /__  ___/____/______  /_ |_____/______  /__  ___/__
 |  l     /  |     /   )/   /   l    /   /   )/   / l      /   )/   /   l    /
 |       /_       /_   /   /_       /_  /_   /   /_       /_   /   /_       /_
    |                                                   |    |          |
    `----------\                                        `----|----------'
                \\   telnet avail.. sysop.. godfather   \----'

                     jUST cALL iT ! tHERE iS nO eXCUSES..

                        nOW iT iS tIME tO pRESENT yOU

                             fOR tHE bIG hEROES !

                          tHE oNES yOU'll mEET iS...

----------|-.         //---> dA sACREd gUARDIANs oF dA hAREM <---\
     _____.  )________ )________ )______._ )_______)___      )__  ___)__
     /    |____/_ .__  __/_   |____/_   |/   /_      /__. /____/_____  /_
    /__\  l     / |/      /   l     /   /     / mute  /      |     )/   /
                                        ____                     |
------------/-             .----------- \  /      .------/      -|----.
           //------|---------'           \/ ------'     //-------'    |
                   |                                                  |
                 .-|-    tHe sECURITy cHIEf                           |
                 | `----                      mUTe ^ inferno grafitti |
                 |                                                    |
                 |       hAREm mESSENGERs                             |
                 |  .                         sNUFFy ^ b·boys^babe    |
                 `--|-/-                      gODFATHEr ^ inferno g.  |
                    |                                                 |
                    |    eNTERTAINERs                                 |
                    |                         underworld^massive at.  |
                    |                         orbital^future sound oL |
                    `------------------//                             |

                                                        sPOOOKy.. eh ?

                               do i have a life
                        if i brought home another wife
                             used and enjoyed her
                        then just to put her somewhere

                                life is money
                            no time for one honey
                              pumpa pumpa pumpa
                          both for oil and for papa

                      that's why our religion is blessed
                       and only bad wifes are posessed
                        that's how we get rid of them
                       when shortening our lovely harem

                          so we're not very lonesome
                      but some would rather say gruesome
                       we have no such as side-affairs
                     can just mary and run up the stairs

                           oh yes.. we are lucky..

                     !  ! ·×·  hOW tO rEACH mE  ·×· !  !

                     _                      .:::'
            ______  /(____     ______     .::%:'
            )__   \/   __(_____\     \'::::%%:::::'________
            _/          \     /_)     \':%%%:'        ____(
            )_____\/     \_____________)%%%:'   ':.  ___(________
                  /  god! \           ::%%::::::::::.           /
                 (_________)           ':::::::::::'-/_________(
            (  i  n  f  e  r  n  o  ·  g  r  a  f  f  i  t  i  ) 

                     !  ! ·×·  hOW tO rEACH mE  ·×· !  !


        i^g whq -->   -->      sUBcONTINENT    +47 57824209      tELNET
                               bUMBLE bEE lAND +47 66794789      tELNET
                               gENETIC wASTE   +47 33045192      tELNET
                               pITSTOP         +47 33387955      tELNET

bUT yOU cOULD aLSO mSG mE aT..

                               cHECKPOINT      +47 51593123      tELNET
                               tRADERS pARADISE                  tELNET
                               mOTION oNE                        tELNET

       iF yOU'RE mORE iNTERRESTED iN jOINING  inferno grafitti  tHEN..

         mSG mE oR gODFATHER aT aNY bOARD, oR iF wE'RE aT #amielite..

                    oR yOU cOULD cALL > subcontinent < ..

                                                         vERY eASY...

                          wILL tHE sTORY eVER eND ?

             wILL tHERE eVER bE aNY bREAK iN aLL tHIS aCTIVITY ?

                      oNLy tIMe wILl sHOw tHe aNSWERs !

                               again and again
                             and again and again
                             the story never ends

                           new lines and new words
                          new phrases and new names
                             the story never ends

                        old klisjes and old situations
                        old creatures and old dangers
                             the story never ends

                         good writers and bad readers
                          bad zeroes and good heroes
                             the story never ends

                          just when the chapter ends
                            a brand new one begins
                             the story never ends

                          this is an ending chapter
                      let us see what the next one hides
                       'cause the story will never end

             with the introduction of my forthcomming collection

        i would like to thank you all for reading my tenth ascii-colly

                               better known as

                                dUBAi hAREm ..

                                                mute ^ inferno grafitti

              .-----------------/  oUt sOOn !   /
  _____    ___|_    _____    ____     ____     //--> sURe iT iS! <--\
 _\___ )___\____)___\___ )___\   |____\   |____                     |
 \_ |_____/_ _|/   /_  _  __/_   ___/__  ___  /_              .-----|-->
.-| l      / \__    /  |     /   l    /   |/   /--------------|-----'
| |       /_  |    /_  |    /_       /_   /   /_              |
| `--/_____/--|_____/--|_____/--/_____/--/_____/ _____    ____|    _____
|             |               _\____)___\   |____\____)___\   |____\___ )___
`----/ eARTHqUAKE /           \_  |/   /_  _|   /_ _|/   /_   |   /_ |_____/_
-.            |  //-> iN A <-. |  l     /  \l    / \__    /   _ ____ l      /
 |            |              | |  _  __/_       /_  |    /_   /   /_       /_
 |         .--|----------.   | `--/_____/--/_____/--l_____/--/_____/--/_____/
 `---------|  |-----/    `---|->                            <-|----.
           `--'    //--------|--------------------------------'    |
       _____     ____.-------' _____       _____       _____      _|_.__
   ____\    )____\   |_________\    )______\    )______\    )_____\  |  )__
  _\   _______/___   ____/_______._   /_________  /______ .   /_______    /_
 /_________    /     l     /     |/    /   _   ____/_   | |    /     |     /
  _\     )/   /_          /_     l    /_   |        /   | |   /_     '    /_
  \_______    _/______    _/______    _/___|_______/____l_l____/______    _/
       l______|    l______|    l______|mute^ig                     |______|
                     |                                             |
                     `-----/                                 //----'
                          //--->  sTORMY fLOWER gARDEN  <---/

                            oR lESs cOMPLICATEd ..

                    'eARTHqUAKe iN a sTORMy fLOWEr gARDEn'

       ->       but still the logo wasn't so very attractive ..

                         some additional late-info.. 

               this colly was actually supposed to be released
                around the middle of august.. but then, plans
               never end up right.. one of those who i own the
                together with, forgot the phone-cable, when he
                 heard distant thunder comming nearer... and
               ofcourse, the modem is now very disfunctional..
               hopefully it will be repaired very soon, so that
           i wount have to lend a modem, when i'm most desperate..

                   how boring can it be ? hate lightnings !

                and this is why there is so few logo's here..

and now for the 'dizzo'..

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ       .--iNFERNo---------gRAFITTi--.
  _____|__  ____/___     .__    ____|___
.-\__    /_-\  /   /_-\  __/___-\_____ /_
|   |  |  /_  /_    /_   |    /_   |____/_
|   |  |   /   /mute /   l     /   l     /
    |  |                            |  |
    `--|    . dUBAI <--> hAREM .    |--'
       |                            |
       `-«mUTe ^ inferno  grafitti»-'@END_FILE_ID.DIZ

                      tHIs mIGHt bE tHe fINAl eNd tHINg

    ·«X»·-=> mute <=--=> inferno grafitti <=--=--=> dUBAi hAREm <=- ·«X»·